Avoid at all cost. Once HQ has your money and you open they don't care about you. They are also in serious financial trouble with huge overheads and income dropping with locations closing constantly. Over half of the Fitstop network is not at or below break even.
The ability to help people and make a difference in their lives
The brand has taken a nose dive over the last 18 months with major HQ staff leaving and the focus now being on expansion. The Australian market has been left to struggle with no real support from the head office. Their plan just adds more expense to already struggling businesses with no regard to the financial or mental well-being of their franchises. They rely on keeping owners separated and use fear to force their agenda regardless of the negative impacts on owners and their businesses.
Bring in real experts for what the business needs and not just internally promote. Listen to your owners and help them generate revenue before adding on more expenses.