
Who are we

What to know about Playball franchise? Playball is a developmental sports program for children aged 2-10 that focuses on fun and learning. Their program provides a positive, safe, and healthy environment for kids to improve their physical abilities and social skills. They offer classes throughout the year in various locations around the world. Playball was founded in 2001 by two Physical Education teachers, John and Louise Seddon. After spending many years teaching children how to play traditional sports, they realized that there was a better way to help kids learn and have fun. They created Playball as a developmental sports program that would focus on the child's overall development, not just their ability to play a specific sport. Today, Playball is offered in over 30 countries around the world. Playball is a franchise concept in the Children Programs industry. It is also considered a Sports franchise. They were founded in 2001. You can also visit their franchise website to know more about the business.

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