Current Operator, Feb 7, 2024

Great concept and model for someone who knows how to do and has done business development. To many good people did not have a clue what business development is about. They were a good VP or manager somewhere and had a great career but business development is a different animal.

Outside of the processes from the franchise, we can make individual decisions on how to grow the business.

Not enough direction. Zors could have professionals set up to help new business owners get off the ground instead of each Zee trying to find their own individual professional. Examples would include, cpas, legal, IT professionals etc. As time goes by, support is non-existent. We still pay a monthly fee for it but do not get the value. Visionary at corporate decided to stop adding Zees so now we have a handful of Zees left. Doesn't make for the strongest brand

They are no longer engaged in growing the Zee environment any longer. Promises made, took your money, left town. Only a handful of us left.

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