Current Operator, Nov 3, 2023

I love and appreciate being a franchisee of this franchise.

There are so many things that I LOVE! The family atmosphere in our stores and within the franchisees. I have a really good relationship with HQ and my fellow franchisees. We are a group of people who want to help each other succeed as much, if not more, than our customers. I have help with a press of a phone or keyboard. I've been with the franchise for five years, and things seem like they are going in the right direction. The performance groups are AWESOME! iLearn is an incredible wealth of knowledge. I truly appreciate everything that the franchise offers, and I'm going to take advantage of it.

Honestly, the changeover within HQ. I think the only people here from when I started are Randy and Jason. There have been many changes, and some for the greater good, so I can't complain.

I know we all need to improve, so communication is key. It has to be hard to keep the franchisees up to-date and current with what's going on. Maybe the RD's could check in with the franchisees more often to see what they have to say. Provide Inspiration and Motivation and let the franchisees know they are their biggest cheerleader.

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