Current Operator, May 21, 2024

Great experience in first several years until founders sold. Next 2 owners only about squeezing $ out of franchises without much concern for making system better prepared for growth.

Good work life balance. Good business model once you get trained by your colleagues.

Corp training and support all provided by people that have never done the job and probably aren’t even capable of it. Corp level management trying to squeeze every $ out of top performing franchises driving them to likely exit system and go independent. No cost advantages over independent competitors.

Listen to franchises, stop taking such large vendor kickbacks and improve costs. Trim corp level staff to better manage corp profits instead of trying to take more from franchises. Your long term franchise owners all know way more about the actual business than any of your current corp staff. Corp spends way too much on useless corp positions and should leverage the brain trust of long term owners better.

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