Current Operator, Mar 2, 2023
Maui Wowi

The product is a fun, high-quality product. The concept is cute and unique in the event arena. If you are looking for a fun hobby this might be it. If you are looking for a business you can support your family on, those opportunities are few and far between.

The product is of high quality, easy to use and train people on. But this was done before the current management was in place.

I don't feel mgmt understands the event biz of which 95% of the franchisees operate in. Time and $ is spent on developing LTO's that don't really help most event operators. Focus seems to be on the VERY few storefronts so resources are spent on less productive activities. Products have been discontinued so the variety we can offer our customers has been impacted. We have not had an "annual" conference since before 2019 (not sure when last one was). Communication is ineffective.

Listen to the needs and concerns of the franchisees, not just the top 5 zees whose input is sought after most often. React in a more timely manner. Learn how events operate differently than storefronts and cater to those differences.

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