Current Operator, Apr 6, 2023

Relic in DESPERATE need of new management and corporate overhaul.

The comradery of the fellow franchise office owners

I think the CEO is absolutely terrible and uninspiring. This company is dying for new leadership. This company also doesn't see any new marketing concepts from outside new marketing companies. I've never seen a company so absolutely beholden a marketing company (Imaginuity). HVA should have it's own marketing department and then it should outsource it's creative and the implementation of SEO to a third party like successful companies do. Small independents are eating our lunch and corporate brushes that under rug and pretends it's not happening. Our cost per lead and buy are astronomical. The attrition rate of offices is terrible and that's b/c HVA has made it so darn expensive to get leads in the door.

Replace the CEO, have an internal marketing department, and focus on several SEO/PPC strategies to drop our cost per lead.

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