Current Operator, Feb 5, 2023

Excellent brand, poor corporate morals and support, uncertain future.

The brand and products are excellent.

The corporate office has completely given up on building positive a positive franchise to franchisee relationship. The corporate office doesn't even try to support franchisees, hires incompetent reps, does not listen to franchisees feedback, and their policies keep is in the 1950's in terms of attitudes towards technology. They also allow and encourage new franchisees to open stores in locations that are not suitable for the brand. We have been with the company for 15+ years now and see the corporate office approve locations that won't turn a profit and which even undermine the profitability of established stores. The corporate office has recently changed hands so hopefully the new ownership brings positive changes.

Improve franchise relations. Upgrade the website, POS systems. Provide marketing support. Stop allowing new franchisees to open stores in locations that undermine established stores.

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