Current Operator, Dec 9, 2023

The system worked at one time but with the leadership currently and recently in place the over the last several years growth has been negative in same store sales overall and profits are down, its a brand to avoid as it has not been keeping up with the changes overtime

some of the systems work well the buying power we achieve having recipes generated and private label product not having to source ingredients ourselves

CEO determines menu based on his personal preference not what is best for the profitability or long term sustainability of the brand corporate office seems disengaged from the franchisees, and what is going on in the restaurants there is a lack of support as well a lack of knowledge at corporate level to deliver the support needed the POS system is not front end user friendly Royalties are high for what you get in return

Keep personal pinions out of menu development base it solely on sell through and food cost that make every dish profitable, Take less kickbacks from vendors which will result in lower prices source more Canadian produced packaging Revamp their outlook, Improve marketing , hire office staff that are engaged, explore other avenues of advertising

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