Current Operator, Oct 27, 2023

Crumbl bery much operates under the the,"you must do everything 1000%, or we will fine you, even if we haven't told you about any of it," philosophy. Yet, if Crumbl messes up, which they frequently do, it is always...."please give us grace because we a new and growing company.

Everything that was this good about this company disappeared in 2020

Micro management. No control of costs of materials. No common sense in management. Doesn't listen to input from franchisees. Are extremely dishonest in sales of franchisees, protected territories, and fulfilling promises . Tech is terrible. Crumbl POS and entire system constantly goes down with no back ups. Material and labor costs to make the ever increasingly ridiculous cookies are out of control. THE HOURS OF OPERATION ARE INSANE. NO SIMILARLY SITUATED COMAPNY WOULD SELL COOKIES FROM 8AM-10, AND 8AM- 12AM.

Everything. There is no support. Tech is unresponsive. Investors have no one to call about if they need any type of support. The support they have in place is completely ineffective and responds 3-4 hrs later, if at all

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