Onboard Coworking


Who are we

Onboard Coworking is a shared workspace center for entrepreneurs, self-starters, and individuals who want a better alternative than their home for working remotely. We offer fully furnished spaces with an array of amenities, such as high-speed internet, conference rooms, printing services, free parking, and complimentary coffee and beverages. We're located in El Monte, CA, in the heart of the San Gabriel Valley, close to Interstate 10. Our goal is to help you succeed by providing you with everything necessary to be productive while working remotely or running your own business. It's easy - we take care of all the expenses and provide you with the space to focus and be productive. It’s really a no-brainer. Are you ready to check us out?

Why we do it

Onboard Coworking is a shared workspace center for entrepreneurs, self-starters, and individuals who want a better alternative than their home for working remotely.

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