CoCo's Bakery

Who are we

What to know about CoCo's Bakery franchise? CoCo's Bakery is a small, family-owned business that has been serving the community for over 25 years. They specialize in fresh-baked goods, including breads, pastries, and cakes. Their friendly staff is always ready to help customers choose the perfect treat for their next event. They take pride in using only the freshest ingredients and being a part of the fabric of the community. CoCo's Bakery was established in 1992 by the current owner, Coco. At the time, there were few bakeries in the area and she saw an opportunity to provide quality baked goods at a reasonable price. She quickly built a loyal following among locals and the business has been thriving ever since. CoCo's Bakery is a franchise concept in the Food and Beverage industry. It is also considered a Full-Service Restaurant category franchise. They were founded in 1992.

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